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Baby name ideas: Why more mums and dads are loving alliteration for siblings | Alliterative Baby Names including Charlie and Connor, Liam and Levi, Oliver and Olivia


Baby name ideas: Why more mums and dads are loving alliteration for siblings | Alliterative Baby Names including Charlie and Connor, Liam and Levi, Oliver and Olivia

While naming a baby can be hard, for a lot of parents naming their second (or third or even fourth) kid is even harder.

So it will come as no surprise some trends have popped up around naming siblings, the main one being alliteration.

According to BabyCentre, more than one in five, or 22 per cent, of sibling name pairs from their app start with the same letter.

Same letter names are nothing new – we’re looking at you, Kris Jenner – but don’t have to be done in a way that feels too ‘same-samey’.

So, whether it’s a family of all boys, sisters or a mix of both, we’ve rounded up some inspiration that nails alliteration. Scroll through to see some of our sibling ideas.

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