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Consent Preferences

Welcome to the consent preferences center. We use consent management provider solutions (CMPs) so that you can decide who you will allow to set third party advertising and affiliate link cookies on your browser or device. We explain what these are in section 13 of our privacy notice and cookie policy. To manage your consent preferences make choices on all CMPs listed below:

User Accounts

If you create a user account with us, you have the ability to delete your user account at any time by following the below instructions:

  • Trendiny: If you’d like to delete your account, log in on desktop and go to the user settings menu, then tap Delete My Account. Deleting your account will irreversibly delete your account details. Your posts will be removed from public view (we will keep an internal copy for compliance purposes), and your username will be removed from your comments (but your comments will remain visible, so you should edit/delete them before deleting your account). Deleting your account will not unsubscribe you from any email lists you’ve signed up for (see the emails for unsubscribe instructions) and will not delete your account on other BuzzFeed platforms (please log into your account on that platform).

Deleting your account will not unsubscribe you from any email lists you’ve signed up for; to unsubscribe, please follow the instructions at the bottom of the email. Deleting your account on one Treindiny platform also will not delete your account on other Treindiny platforms, if you have several accounts. To delete your other accounts, please go to those platforms.

Further guidance

Browsers and devices usually have tools that allow control of most cookies through browser settings. To find out more about cookies and to see what cookies have been set go to: visit or

You can find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers by going to:

Visit NAI’s opt-out page to learn more your choices to opt-out of receiving tailored online ads from NAI members.

We use YouTube’s API to make certain videos on our sites available to you. Please visit YouTube’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to learn more, and manage your preferences for what data YouTube shares about you with third parties by visiting here.

To manage your preferences for personalized ads from GoogleFacebook or Amazon, please visit their preference centers

How we do cookies and targeting at Trendiny

This is a short explanation of how we at Trendiny use our own cookies and similar targeting technologies on our sites and in our apps. Note: this only explains what we do, not what our third party advertising partners do. If you’re in the UK or EU, you can find out who they are and see their privacy notices under “Partners” in our consent management platform.

What are “first party” cookies

We collect data from users of our websites and apps by placing a small piece of code known as a “first-party cookie” on your device when you access the website or app. First-party cookies collect data only for Trendiny; if an advertiser or other company wants to access this data, they must go to Trendiny and get permission. You can also delete them at any time via your browser settings (usually under “clearing cached cookies” or a similar setting). We do not use cookies that cannot be deleted via browser settings.

How does it work?

The cookie stores a unique identifier consisting of a randomized sequence of numbers and/or letters, known as the “cookie ID.” This “cookie ID” does not contain a user’s name, email address or other contact details, age, gender, or other personal characteristics. When you interact with a Trendiny website or app, the website or app reads the cookie ID from the cookie stored on your device and then records your interactions with the website or the app, such as which pages you visited, whether you clicked on anything on the page (links, ads, etc.), and how long you spent on the page. These interactions are associated with the cookie ID.

What does Trendiny do with this data?

We use this data for two purposes.

Firstly, we use it to analyse our users’ behaviour to help us understand how people like to use our sites and apps, what works, when demand peaks and we might need to make more bandwidth available, and so on. This is platform maintenance and development work.

Secondly, we use it to target ads. We explain a bit more about that below.

Data gathering for platform maintenance and development and for ad targeting use completely separate cookies, and we store the data gathered from them separately. Data gathered for development purposes is not used for ad targeting, and vice versa.

How do you target ads?

The first-party cookie used for ad-targeting does not transmit the user interaction history to Trendiny; it only stores this history on the user’s device and Trendiny cannot view the history. The cookie ID itself is transmitted to and stored by Trendiny servers.

When a targeted ad is served on a Trendiny website or app, the webpage where the ad is will read the first-party cookie on the user’s device. The webpage sends the first-party cookie the ad-targeting parameters, which the cookie then compares to the interaction history stored on the user’s device. If there is a match, the targeted ad is served. If there is not a match, the targeted ad is not served.

Do other people give you data to target ads?

Sometimes one of the brands that advertises with us will ask us to target their ads to people who have visited their site, or to a subset of those people. One way to do that is for them to pass to us their own first party cookie data, so that we can recognise you as someone who has visited their site and that they want to target. In those cases, that data is kept separate from our own data and is only used for that advertiser. We never are allowed to directly access see the first-party cookie data provided by the brand.

The technology provider we use for our first party cookies also gives us the ability to make use of larger so-called “audience” data sets from reputable providers like Nielsen as a kind of overlay or additional filter on our own data. However, we never actually see that underlying data.

Do you collect anything sensitive?

Trendiny does not collect and use information about people’s personal characteristics such as race/ethnicity, gender, age, or sexual orientation in order to target ads. Ad-targeting is based on a user’s interests in specific content, as guessed from their interaction history. So, for example, if a user often interacts with content categorized by Trendiny as related to African-American culture and interests, the user is more likely to see ads targeted to African-American culture and interests. However, the targeting is based on their apparent interest; Trendiny does not assume that the user is necessarily of African-American race or heritage and does not know the user’s actual race/ethnicity.

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